Leitung Kiddies Daycare
2017 wurde ich Teil der Kiddies Family und bin seitdem begeistert von der familiären Zusammenarbeit - sowohl mit den Eltern, als auch mit den Kolleginnen.
"Wenn Kinder klein sind, gib ihnen Wurzeln. Wenn sie groß sind, schenk' ihnen Flügel..." (Goethe)

Leitung Kiddies Dayschool
"Als Sozialpädagogin ist es mir besonders wichtig, Menschen in ihren Lebenssituationen zu begegnen und eine bestmögliche Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Erziehern und Eltern zu gestalten."
Lisa Kirchhof
Julie Kramer
Leitung Kita am Jägerhof
"Ich möchte den Kindern Naturerfahrungen bieten und ihre Entdeckerfreude unterstützen. Dabei ist mir die Vermittlung von Achtsamkeit sehr wichtig."
Anika Limberger

Co-Leitung Kiddies Nature
"Inspirieren, gestalten und fördern von Groß und Klein ..."
Katrin Riemann-Beyer

Leitung Kiddies Daycare
2017 wurde ich Teil der Kiddies Family und bin seitdem begeistert von der familiären Zusammenarbeit - sowohl mit den Eltern, als auch mit den Kolleginnen.
"Wenn Kinder klein sind, gib ihnen Wurzeln. Wenn sie groß sind, schenk' ihnen Flügel..." (Goethe)

Leitung Kiddies Dayschool
"Als Sozialpädagogin ist es mir besonders wichtig, Menschen in ihren Lebenssituationen zu begegnen und eine bestmögliche Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Erziehern und Eltern zu gestalten."
Lisa Kirchhof
Julie Kramer

Leitung Kiddies Daycare
2017 wurde ich Teil der Kiddies Family und bin seitdem begeistert von der familiären Zusammenarbeit - sowohl mit den Eltern, als auch mit den Kolleginnen.
"Wenn Kinder klein sind, gib ihnen Wurzeln. Wenn sie groß sind, schenk' ihnen Flügel..." (Goethe)

Leitung Kiddies Dayschool
"Als Sozialpädagogin ist es mir besonders wichtig, Menschen in ihren Lebenssituationen zu begegnen und eine bestmögliche Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Erziehern und Eltern zu gestalten."
Lisa Kirchhof
Julie Kramer
Leitung Kiddies Daycare
2017 wurde ich Teil der Kiddies Family und bin seitdem begeistert von der familiären Zusammenarbeit - sowohl mit den Eltern, als auch mit den Kolleginnen.
"Wenn Kinder klein sind, gib ihnen Wurzeln. Wenn sie groß sind, schenk' ihnen Flügel..." (Goethe)
Julie Kramer

Leitung Kiddies Dayschool
„Als Sozialpädagogin ist es mir besonders wichtig, Menschen in ihren Lebenssituationen zu begegnen und eine bestmögliche Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Erziehern und Eltern zu gestalten.“
Lisa Kirchhof
Ariane Schmeissner

Amanda Majorowicz
"Wir sind das Leitungsteam bei Kiddies International - Ariane, Sandra und Amanda - jede von uns arbeitet seit
5 Jahren und länger in verschiedenen Funktionen bei Kiddies.
Wir lieben unser internationales und vielfältiges Team.
Wir genießen die geteilte Verantwortung der Managementaufgaben neben unserer Verantwortung als Pädagogen mit den Kindern, immer auf der Suche nach interessanten und innovativen Wegen junge Köpfe zu fördern und dabei mit den Eltern zusammen zu arbeiten."
Management Team Kiddies International

Sandra Meske
Leitung Kiddies International II
„Ich betrachte die Arbeit mit und die Begleitung von Kindern während dieser prägenden Jahren als ein Privileg und bin stolz auf ihr Wachstum.“
Fiona Lipps

Unconventional, young and open, the modern daycare architecture floating on a green rampart invites you to discover and learn bilingually!
Since the spring of 2015, one to six year olds have been cared for in eight groups on 1000 square meters. 100 children can play, explore, learn and romp in large group rooms! The glazed facade opens the rooms to the beautiful oak trees of the outdoor area, which is equipped with exciting play activities.
The bilingual daycare concept with German and English native speakers allows intensive and individual care for the children who come from international families. From an early age, they grow up naturally with the German and English languages.
In the large sports room, the children can give free rein to their urge to move, and a theater stage opens up a wide range of possibilities for parties and inter-group activities.
The library with the extensive book collection of the former U.S. consulate daycare center invites you to linger quietly. The children can read there, do handicrafts in small groups in peace and quiet or make music - in the "little piano school" the children can even gain their first experience on the piano.
Kiddies International is run by the management team Ariane, Sandra and Mandy. Their self-evident competence in all questions of pedagogy, their joy in their work can be felt in the cheerful atmosphere in the spacious Kita.
Clayallee 225k in 14195 Berlin
Opening Hours 7.30 – 17.30
Contact: contact@kiddiesfamily.com
Kita for children from 10 months to school age

Tracy Soppa
Management Team Kiddies International
"I am leading an international and diverse team always looking for interesting and innovative ways to nurture young minds while collaborating with parents."

Kiddies International II, the new daycare center of Campus für Generationen gGmbH, opened its doors in the fall of 2018 in the
state-of-the-art Fünf Morgen residential area in Zehlendorf.
In four groups, children from all over the world are cared for and encouraged bilingually according to the same educational concept as at Kiddies International.
The latest findings in modern kindergarten architecture were also implemented in the construction of this kita. Floor-to-ceiling windows create light-flooded group rooms with a view of the excitingly designed outdoor area of the daycare center, which faces the quiet inner grounds of the residential complex.
The handmade and custom-made interior of the daycare center offers optimal space for play, exciting exploration, but also cozy retreat and rest.
A movement room and a theater workshop invite sports and creative experimentation.
Clayallee 169 in 14195 Berlin
Opening Hours 7.30 – 17.30
Contact: contact@KiddiesFamily.com
Kita for children from 10 months to school entry

Shelby Fällenbacher
Head of Kiddies International II
"I consider working with and mentoring children during these formative years a privilege and am proud of their growth."
The Kitas Kiddies International and Kiddies International II are located directly on Clayallee, one of the most accessible axes in Berlin's southwest. They both belong to Campus für Generationen gGmbH, the first independent youth welfare organization that I founded in 2007 with headquarters in Zehlendorf. In 2010, the American consulate located in the former U.S. sector gave up its English-language childcare facility. We built a daycare center for 110 children on our own on the completely redeveloped site of the former Oskar Helene Heim, which opened in 2015, and 4 years later rented a newly built ground-level daycare space for 65 children on the Truman Plaza site 250 meters away. In both facilities of Campus für Generationen gGmbH, the tradition of English-language education and international cultural mediation from history is still alive today.


Kita for children from 3 years old until they start school
The bilingual Kita (German/English) is also located on Wilskistraße, just like Kiddies DayCare, and thus almost as close to the subway station.
The younger children from the age of 1 start in Kiddies Daycare and then later, in the year they turn four, they move to Kiddies Dayschool. Both facilities work very closely together.
The Kiddies Dayschool was also previously a store within the Bruno Taut Ensemble. The premises were extensively renovated by "Deutsche Wohnen" and, thanks to the mediation of a father, we received a not inconsiderable amount of sponsorship for the expansion.
Thus, our beautiful starry sky ceiling, the colorful painting work and the high-quality linoleum flooring could be achieved. They give a warm and friendly face to the premises, which are used by a group of about 20 children.
Große Raumakustik-Würfel verleihen dem Raum zusätzlich eine eigene Ausstrahlung.
The children can do gymnastics on our mobile gymnastics equipment on the lawn directly in front of the building and have the Fischtal Park with its playgrounds virtually on their doorstep.
Wilskistr. 20 in 14169 Berlin
Opening Hours 7.30 – 17.30
Contact: contact@KiddiesFamily.com
Kita for children from 3 years to school age

Our daycare center Kiddies Daycare with its striking facade with the round shop window in the listed Bruno Taut ensemble on Riemeisterstraße is only a short walk away from the subway station Onkel-Tom-Straße.
A 3-room apartment belonged to the retail store. We rented the neighboring apartment and through the imaginative work of our architect and the patience of the landlord "Deutsche Wohnen" have transformed this place into a secure living space for under-threes, which has a total size of almost 200 square meters.
The rooms are equipped with built-in custom furniture so that as little space as possible is lost for the children to play and learn. To help everyone find their way around, pictograms have been developed for all rooms and within the rooms for the educational areas.
As an outdoor facility, we use a directly adjacent small garden with a large sandbox and bouncing animal.
We are also able to take our kindergarten vehicles to the extensive outdoor area and playground of the housing complex to go to the large, beautiful playground in the spring, summer and fall.
Other destinations in the immediate vicinity of our nursery include the beautiful park area of the Fish Valley, the Wilsk playground at the western end of Wilskistraße and the forest and open spaces around the ski jump on Onkel-Tom-Straße.
For the younger ones, walks to the nearby riding stable are very popular.
With the older children we go from the subway station to the Domäne Dahlem, to the Theater Lichterfelde or to the Stadtbücherei Steglitz.
Wilskistr. 36 in 14169 Berlin
Opening Hours 7.30 – 17.30
Contact contact@KiddiesFamily.com
Kita for children from 9 months to 3 years
Under the umbrella of the Freie Jugendhilfe Berlin Modern Family BMF gGmbH are the first two facilities, (2007 Kiddies Daycare and 2008 Kiddies Dayschool) which I founded for a total of 52 children. They are located in the Bruno Taut Siedlung residential area, within walking distance of each other and housed in Deutsche Wohnen stores.


The Jägerhof, built in 1828 according to plans by Karl Friedrich Schinkel as part of the ensemble of Glienicke Palace Park, is a cultural gem of Berlin, the preservation of which is particularly ensured by its use as a Kita.
In 2015, the entire facility was extensively renovated, and in 2017, after being taken over by the sponsor Natur Jägerhof gGmbH, it was modernized once again.
Today, up to 45 children can be cared for here, divided into the nest area and the kita, according to the nature but not billingual education concept.
The huge outdoor area, virtually our own forest, is ideal for the developmental and learning processes of the children, the location in the middle of the castle park far away from any traffic noise offers them a place of strengthening calm and exciting exploration of their environment in their daycare center, which takes place mostly outside - in all seasons and in all weather.
Supported by

Königstr. 35c in 14109 Berlin
Opening Hours: 8.00 – 17.00
Contact: contact@kiddiesfamily.com
Kita for children from 10 months to school entry
Leitung Kiddies Daycare
"'Das habe ich noch nie vorher versucht, also bin ich
völlig sicher, dass ich es schaffe.'
(Pippi Langstrumpf)"

Theresa Gapp

This daycare center, opened in 2013 and extended by an annex in 2016, is located in an ideal neighborhood within the 'green lung' of Zehlendorf-Mitte.
Surrounding the property is the Zehlendorf community forest - the view can wander from the property in any direction to the tall and expansive treetops.
At Kiddies Nature, 43 children between the ages of one and six are cared for and encouraged in a mixed-age group.
We have a spacious outdoor area with vegetable and berry beds, a wetland biotope, with willow bushes, newly planted fruit trees and plenty of space for movement, where many different experiences can be gained in a natural environment.
This offer is complemented by the numerous possibilities in the immediate and direct vicinity of our facility. Extensive green spaces such as Fischtalpark, Schönower Park and Schweizerhofpark, as well as several age-appropriate playgrounds are within walking distance and are ideal for picnics with our group, for example.
Likewise, several lakes and other bodies of water are within easy reach for us, such as Krumme Lanke, Schlachtensee, and Dreipfuhl, which are suitable for many other pursuits besides exploring and collecting the plants and animals there.
Fischerhüttenstr 19 in 14163 Berlin
Opening Hours: 7:30 – 17.30
Contact: contact@KiddiesFamily.com
Kita children from 1 year old until they start school
The sponsor of the Freie Jugendhilfe Natur Jägerhof gGmbH oversees two facilities that are set up close to nature. Kiddies Nature was founded in 2012 for 24 children, expanded in 2014 by 21 U3 places. In 2017, we took over the Kita in the historic Jägerhof in Schlosspark Glienicke and with it another 45 places.

Where Are We?

Annika Limberger
Head of Kita am Jägerhof
"I want to offer children experiences of nature and support their joy of discovery. In doing so, teaching mindfulness is very important to me."

Aylin Agal
Leitung Kiddies Dayschool
„Freude am Lernen und Zuversicht zum Leben sind zwei Kernkompetenzen , die ich unseren Kinder in der Dayschool mitgeben möchte, damit sie als selbstbewusste Menschen ihren Weg gehen.“

Jorina Droste
Head of Kiddies Nature
„Für eine bedürfnisorientierte Erziehung, in der der Aufbau von Bindungen in der Kita eine Sicherheit schafft, die es den Kindern ermöglicht, ganz sie selbst sein zu dürfen.“